Friday, November 18, 2016


" The present moment is the only moment available to us and it is the door to all other moments." - Thich Nhat Hanh

Take a moment and read the quote one more time. The only moments we have are the present moment. We are not experiencing our past.  The past is defined as gone by in time and no longer existing. We learn lessons from our past so that we don't repeat them. We develop emotions from our past from experiences both positive and negative. Too often we let the past dictate our lives. We have relinquished power to our past and allow it to be present. It takes a great deal of determination and fire within for us to not let the past hold us down in our present moment. Our future hasn't happened yet. Future is described as coming after the present time.  We stress about the future events. Some of these events are out of our control and some of the events we can prevent. It's up to us to figure out what is relevant at the present moment to open the doors for all moments. Someone once told me that they can tell that I look at life  with a sparkle in my eye.  I decided to be present in the moment that I am experiencing at that time. Because all moments will be made into memories. They will become your past. How do you stay present in the moment and not let your past or future have power over you.  It takes a little concentration on your behalf.  I made a decision long ago to be present right here right now.  Anything I am doing I am giving it a 100% I drop all my outside blunders to the waste side and make myself present in the moment that I am experiencing.  For example I play sledge hockey for the USA Women's Team. Every time I enter the ice rink I make a conscious effort to be present in all that I am there to do. If I am not in the present moment then my performance suffers because of it.  I have let outside things out of my control dictate what is in my mind.  I am there to do a job on the ice and that is to be the best damn goaltender.  I apply this to all aspects of my life including relationships with others. This includes friendship, family, co-workers, complete strangers and lovers. How many people can you think in your life that you are not present with them when you are around them. They are in the room with you. You are spending time with them, but you are thinking of everything that happened yesterday or 6 years ago. It could be the opposite end of the spectrum and you are thinking about the future.  Stressing about events that have not happened and may never happen.  You choose to not be present in the moment with this person. You are missing out on possible opportunities to open more doors to all the other moments. As this person sees you are not present or engaging in them they may never open another door for new moments.  I encourage all of you to take a moment today and reflect on how present are you in everyone around you and everything you do in your life.  Are you experiencing this moment because we technically are not guaranteed one more second here on this earth. We are only present for the one we are in. Are you living in time that has past and you cannot regain or time that has not existed yet. If you think about that sentence if you are living in the past or future you will not know what is going on right now. Take a moment and try being present in all that you do. I know that I will. When I lay my head down at night I can sleep knowing I have given my all for the day and that was enough. As the sunrises a new day I know I have another opportunity to experience this thing called life and I will choose to be present in all I do. So that the doors can open for more moments.

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